
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Episode 3: Standards vs. Customization
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Monday Dec 04, 2017
In this episode, we discuss the differences between Standards and Mass Customization: where is there value in each and how/should we go towards Mass Customization?
Show Notes:
What do we mean by Standards and Mass Customization/Individualization?
How did Corbu and the Modernists define these conversations?
First principles and early standards: how do we start off this conversation? How do we begin to implement a designed environment where mass customization exists? This is an especially tough question if that mass customization is run by AI or ML.
We run a scenario about how this system might get up and running and then discuss its pros and cons.
Why aren't we mass customizing our environment yet if we are already starting to do that with our entertainment, news, and transportation?
Thanks for listening! Reading more at: empathicfutures.wordpress.com

Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Episode 2: Post Thanksgiving Lightning Round
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
This week, with the holiday weekend interfering with our usual Sunday Night recording, we decided to keep this episode light and fun rather than on topic. We will resume next week with our Mass Customization vs Standardization topic.
Show Notes:
Robots - What would we want out of a robot in our home
Classes - What classes would we take if we went back to school.
Chris's Latest Post on EmpathicFutures.wordpress.com - How writing could be very beneficial for design and how experts are biased and may miss things.
Fairy Tales - Our up coming entry to the Fair Tales competition
Smart Home - What would we want in a smart home (spoiler: Christian wants to feed his Guinea Pig better)
Hobbies - The value of them and how to connect them to productive work.

Tuesday Nov 21, 2017
Episode 1: Home
Tuesday Nov 21, 2017
Tuesday Nov 21, 2017
In this episode, we discuss what home is and where the future of home is going. We discuss how things will change in terms of how we relate to our homes as our homes become "smarter" and more technologically advanced.
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